Are You In Charge of your Destiny?
"Superstitious awe of astrology makes one an automaton, slavishly dependent on mechanical guidance. The wise man defeats his planets" -- by Sri Paramahansa Yogananda
 Health Astrology Profile

Specialty of the Report

  A complete Life Prediction to define and redesign a new destiny ensuring breakthrough from the prisoner ship of your past.
  Create unstoppable momentum in your life by adhering to the remedies.
  Ask additional questions to live a life that you love and live it with passion and power.

A conscious effort is required to reduce the frequency of sickness. Unless we re-learn the art of self healing, we will be drowned in drugs, medical testing and chronic diseases that leave us not only unhealthy but financially insecure. The need of the hour is to learn how to develop and improve ourselves and our own internal resources for creating a sound health where diseases, drugs and hospitals can be avoided to the maximum extent possible. This new move of self healing, based on Modern Medical Astrology is bound to be one of the most important developments in healthcare for the present century. Take advantage...

Know the answer to the following Questions to manage your health better??

1) Determination of the potential weak body spots and susceptibility to illness.

2) Analysis of the physical or psychological disharmony that may lead to sickness.

3) Guidance on the nutritional deficiencies to design a diet chart for nutrition supplements.

4) Tracing out the severity and duration of an existing illness.

5) Facilitating prompt diagnosis of a complicated disease.

6) Identification of appropriate medical tests to confirm the astrological findings.

7) Suggestion regarding suitable date & time for a planned surgery.

8) Indicating whether treatment is being done on the right track or not. Can further identify which line of treatment i.e. (allopathic, homeopathic or Ayurvedic) will be most effective.

9) Pinpointing the serious / critical time of life.

10) Advising use of appropriate remedy to enhance the disease fighting potential of the body resulting in speedy recovery from illness.

Modern Medical Astrology is a combination of Vedic Medical Astrology and Ayurveda perfectly blended with the terets of the Modern Medical Science. Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) and Ayurveda both have originated from the Vedas. Vedic Medical Astrology is a part of the Vedic Astrology and is purely based on Ayurveda & Modern medical concepts. In order to make this science perfectly applicable to this modern age, it was absolutely necessary to co relate this subject with the present Allopathic language.

Know all this through our "Medical Astrology Profile". Get a Complete and exhaustive review of your Horoscope for a total disease free life. You could also ask any other specific query of yours related to your health which is not covered in the above points. We will help you to get correct and right answers to all the questions.

Report Content

  Your Birth Ascendant, Moon Sign and 'Nakshatra', according to Vedic Astrology.
  Complete Horoscope with all relevant astronomical charts.
  SWOT Analysis & the Do?s & the Don?ts for a successful married life.
  Detailed analysis on all the aspects of your health & body constitution.

For giving you best possible services, we suggest unique remedial measures. Due care is taken while analyzing your horoscope and suggesting usually inexpensive remedies. Our remedies are safe and result oriented.

Back up Services

   Free answers to your all mails till you are totally satisfied.
   10% discount on all succeeding orders for the next one year.
   Facility to directly chat or converse with us need base as a special case.

We are dedicated to do a thorough
professional task to satisfy you

Delivery Time - 5 To 7 Working
Days via email.

$90.00 US Dollars

Note : For any medical condition always consult a qualified medical practitioner. The alternative healing measures, as suggested acts as an adjunct therapy for fast recovery and better health in future.

"A physician without the knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician."-- by Hippocrates- Father of Medicine